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Droidcon Berlin: Reliably test your mobile and web apps with a single test suite using Playwright

Droidcon Berlin: Reliably test your mobile and web apps with a single test suite using Playwright

Appetize’s lead solutions engineer Pieter Snyman recently spoke at droidcon Berlin about reliably testing mobile and web apps with a single test suite using Playwright.

Pieter spoke about how Appetize’s solution for mobile and web app testing addresses several key challenges, offering a unified approach that simplifies the testing process across multiple platforms and technologies.

Read on for a summary of Pieter’s talk and to learn about what makes Appetize the fastest way to write and run cross-platform tests.

Unified testing solution

Appetize integrates with Playwright to provide a single test suite for mobile, mobile web, and native applications. This approach eliminates the need for multiple testing tools and environments, significantly reducing complexity and overhead.

Platform-independent framework

The AppRecorder UI automation framework is designed to be platform independent, supporting many mobile app development technologies, like React Native, Flutter, and native-built platforms. This versatility allows teams to use a single testing solution – regardless of the underlying app technology.

Cloud-based testing environments

Appetize’s cloud-based testing platform ensures consistent test environments, both locally and in CI/CD pipelines. This consistency helps eliminate issues related to environment discrepancies and improves test reliability.

Rapid test execution

With lightning-speed app launching capabilities (as fast as four seconds) and built-in support for concurrency, Appetize enables efficient test execution. This speed is crucial for maintaining rapid development cycles and quick feedback loops.

Low-code automation tool

Appetize provides a low-code automation tool that allows users to create tests by interacting with the application directly. This feature is particularly useful for getting started quickly, or for non-technical team members who need to contribute to the testing process.

Comprehensive SDK

The Appetize SDK offers a range of features including actions (type, tap, swipe, find element), assertions, and helper methods. These tools provide testers with the flexibility to create robust and comprehensive test suites.

Integration with Playwright

By leveraging Playwright’s powerful tools such as the trace viewer, CI configurations, and VS code extension, Appetize enhances the testing experience and provides familiar tools for app and web testing teams.

Addressing common challenges

Appetize tackles several persistent issues in end-to-end testing:

  1. Technology fragmentation: By supporting multiple app development frameworks, Appetize reduces the need for technology-specific testing solutions.

  2. High overheads: Appetize’s cloud-based approach simplifies environment setup and maintenance for both iOS and Android testing.

  3. Learning curve: With a unified approach and low-code options, Appetize reduces the testing tool learning curve.

  4. Test reliability: Built-in resiliency functions, like automatic retries and element waiting, help improve test consistency and reduce flakiness.

By addressing these challenges and offering a comprehensive solution, Appetize is an extremely valuable addition to the mobile app testing toolkit. Its approach of unifying testing across platforms and technologies while using familiar tools like Playwright makes it an attractive option for development teams looking to streamline their testing processes.

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