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Mobile App Previews

Instant mobile previews without the hassle

Instantly preview, share and inspect your iOS and Android app builds without getting slowed down by physical devices. Faster collaboration, easy access.

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Accessing rapid mobile previews shouldn’t be difficult, and yet…

Previewing your mobile apps is hindered by hardware limitations, inconsistent environments, and tedious setup processes. Teams don’t get the access they need, and developers get sidelined by endless updates and changes.

Device fragmentation, endless testing

Between Android and iOS, there are endless permutations of hardware and software combinations. Setting up previews for all of them is expensive and time-consuming.


Device fragmentation, endless testing

distinct Android devices currently in use


Previewing changes on multiple platforms

Cross-platform development frameworks promise simultaneous development for Android and iOS, but they often struggle with platform-specific behaviors.


Previewing changes on multiple platforms

of bugs found during previews are platform-specific


Endless feedback loops

Deploying changes to preview environments (or real devices) often results in long feedback loops. The longer it takes to see how changes impact an app, the slower the development and bug-fixing cycle becomes.


Endless feedback loops

Avg time lost daily by developers due to delays in deploying changes and previewing app performance

App Developers Alliance

Speedy mobile previews drive excellence

Appetize’s cloud-based solution allows developers to preview mobile apps instantly across different platforms.

Any device, any time

Any device, any time

Access to 60+ device configurations saves time compared to setting up or switching real devices, enabling faster previews across diverse devices.

Instant previews, one-click access

Instant previews, one-click access

Preview your app in as little as 1 second. Enable easy access for any team across your organization.

Agile workflows

Agile workflows

Minimize downtime by allowing developers to see updates and tweaks in real time, avoiding the need for lengthy builds and deploys, and allowing for rapid iterations.

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“At Expo, we’re obsessed with DX. And the team at Appetize gets it. Their fast and expert support has helped us meaningfully improve the experience for Expo developers.”

Cedric van Putten Developer at Expo

Accelerate your app development

Appetize is the fastest way to preview mobile apps in the workplace. Don’t let slow previews or lack of device access hold your team back.